Utah Transit Authority header
File #: 24-P00366   
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 10/9/2024 Final action: 10/9/2024
Title: R2024-10-01 - Resolution Authorizing Execution of an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Salt Lake County for Evidence Management Services
Attachments: 1. _Presentation_R2024-10-01_Authorizing ILA with SLCounty for Evidence Management Services, 2. R2024-10-01-Authorizing_ILA_with_SLCounty_for_Evidence_Management_Services_signed,sealed


Board of Trustees


Jay Fox, Executive Director


Jason Petersen, Captain


Jason Petersen, Captain






R2024-10-01 - Resolution Authorizing Execution of an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Salt Lake County for Evidence Management Services



AGENDA ITEM TYPE:                                                                                                                        



We recommend that the Board approve Resolution R2024-10-01 to authorize this Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Salt Lake County for evidence management services for a not-to-exceed amount of $35,000 and a term to expire on December 31, 2028.                       


The Utah Interlocal Cooperation Act (Utah Code § 11-1101, et seq.) empowers local governmental units to cooperate via agreement in a variety of areas via an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement (“ILA”). Legal counsel for each agency must review the proposed ILA for compliance with the law (See Utah Code § 11-13-202.5(3)). Further, the ILA must be approved by the governing body of the agency or political subdivision, such as the UTA Board of Trustees (See Utah Code 11-13-202.5(1)). The Utah Public Transit District Act empowers the UTA Board of Trustees with the authority to approve an ILA (See Utah Code § 17B-2a-808.1(2)(d)).


The UTA Police Department has contracted for Evidence Services since 2006 in Salt Lake County.  The original agreement was with Salt Lake County Sheriff’s Office and switched to Unified Police when their agency split into two separate entities.  With recent legislative changes disbanding the Unified PD, Salt Lake County now manages and stores our evidence.  This agreement is merely an agency name switch (Unified PD to S.L. County) as the storage facility and staffing have remained the same (they currently store/manage over 900 cases of evidence).

Contracting this service saves UTA’s Police Department a significant amount of money.  If we were to take this service in-house, we would need a stand-alone storage building, with federally mandated security controls, climate controls, refrigeration, and staffing.  

CONTRACT SUMMARY:                                                                                                                   

Contractor Name:                          

Salt Lake County

Contract Number:                          


Base Contract Effective Dates:     

Upon signature date through December 31, 2025

Extended Contract Dates:            

Three one-year options beginning 1/1/2026 and running through 12/31/2028 are included in this request for Board approval.

Existing Contract Value:                


Amendment Amount:                   


New/Total Contract Value:

$35,000 (Not-To-Exceed)

Procurement Method:                  


Budget Authority:                            

Approved 2024 Operating Budget




An alternative to approving this ILA would be to bring the service in-house with a significant cost increase.

FISCAL IMPACT:                                                                                                                                

The ILA provides for a not to exceed expense to UTA of $35,000 over the 4-year term of the agreement. The proposed agreement is accounted for within the approved Police Department 2024 operating budget.


                     Resolution R2024-10-01, including ILA as an exhibit